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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Is Happy Life Really So Short ?

One day, a traveler came to a place. Not far away, a path winds on, hidden in the green woods. Follow the road to walk, came to a fence. Wooden doors wide opened. He followed the paved trail to move on. Blocks out the sun and shading woods, strewn with white stones. Travelers bent to a closer look, the stones were engraved with handwriting: Abdul Tower Iger, live 8 years, 6 months and 3 days. When he realized it was a tombstone, his heart could not help but shocked, and so small a child died. He turned to another piece of stone, inscribed: Tony lived for five years, eight months and three weeks. Look around, it seemed that tombstone, it was a cemetery. He went on to read a few tombstones were the same form: a name, a life time. The longest was only 11 years. Their life was too short, travelers began to cry sadly.

Hearing the cries, an old man came over. He was responsible for guarding the graveyard. The traveler asked: “Did there have disaster? Why all the dead were children? Or are there any terrible spell?”

The old man smiled and said: “Do not be afraid of what disaster had happened, and there is no terrible spell. We have an ancient custom here: When a person grows to the age of 15, parents will give him a book from, whenever the face of a happy thing, he would open the book, write it down on the left to write on what is happy, the right to write this happiness lasted long. For example, he met his fiancée, into love and how long the joy of their acquaintance lasted, is one week or three weeks; the first time he kissed her; his wife pregnant, first child was born; him to go traveling in a foreign land; he met old acquaintances, how long are these bring him happiness, is a few hours or days? So little by little, in his book on a note of every pleasure he experienced when he died, according to our customs, open his book, plus his happy time together, calculate the sum, this time is engraved on his tombstone. In our opinion, this is the real life of a person time.”

Friday, August 24, 2012

Leadership Skills That Portray Wisdom

When it comes to leadership skills you first have to be a role model with great wisdom and integrity. You should at all times present yourself with great confidence and self-control. Lao Tzu says: Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power. After all, if you are not comfortable with yourself, how can you be comfortable when you are around other people? This is what portrays true leadership skills.

Besides integrity, anyone in an executive position must first learn to understand others before achieving organizational objectives. When you seek to understand the needs of others, they will return the favor in an amazing way. Involvement of all parties in setting plans leads to harmonization of group objectives which is aided and enhanced by effective communication. Leadership skills require you as a leader to find common goals among members. This can best be achieved when everybody feels that they have contributed and not when they feel like they have been left out or manipulated.

Having leadership skills is all about service, humility and motivation. Great leaders stimulate minds and develop potentials. The strongest weapon is neither nuclear nor atomic but the will to fight. It would be much better to get a team of average qualified personnel who are eager to produce results than have a group of bored but highly qualified professionals. Information is power but to know how to use it well is super-power. They say, in exams the foolish ask questions the wise cannot answer.

One must learn to appreciate the efforts and skills of his subordinates by manner of rewards and other incentives. A person with good leadership skills does not use dictatorship, but instead he/she is full of humility and respect. Therefore leading is letting people do something you want done because they want to do it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Utilizing Positive Self-Talk to Prevail over Any Ambition

Do you feel as if you are continually talking yourself out of achievement? Whenever you start to set in place aims for yourself, do you all of a sudden have nagging doubts about how you aren't up to the job or how you just aren't qualified to carry it through? 

If you have ever previously gone through either scenario, you must modify how you respond to your inner dialogue. Rather than obeying your destructive statements, you can use positive self-talk to withstand the negative thoughts and conquer a lot of stressed feelings.

Preparing Goals and objectives and Sticking with Them using Positive Self-Talk

Are you, at the beginning, full of enthusiasm when you first set targets for yourself? Are all these feelings then followed by uncertainty and self-defeating thoughts that stop you in your tracks well before you even begin? 

It is difficult to get the most from your life when you're constantly talking yourself out of being a success. It can be infuriating and discouraging, having all of these thoughts constantly plaguing you. Most of us, in truth, don't even realize we have them! All we know is that we don't have the self-esteem to follow our plans and grasp our dreams.

Yet there's another way!

Positive self-talk is a highly effective way to set goals and ensure that you stick to them, even if you've never been in a position to do this before. The way this will work is that you determine what goal is important to you, and then you plan the logistics of how you're going to accomplish this plan. When self-doubt starts kicking in, you will react with statements and affirmations that establish your achievement without surrendering to the negative stress. As you're looking at this guide, it's clear that you're no quitter and you're under no circumstances a failure, so begin believing in yourself!

Re-Programming Your Mind

Affirmations are, in essence, positive statements that re-program your mind for the good. The instant you have a self-defeating idea you'd be able to counter the negative with a motivating affirmation. An example of a positive affirmation is: "I am worthy of great results," or "I see myself in the winner's circle." What this does is exchange negative thoughts with thoughts that will make it easier to move to your goals instead of further from them.

Positive self-talk is a lot easier to employ than you might think. You may well not be conscious of the extent of the negative dialogue currently within your mind. Still, as soon as you begin with positive self-talk, you will immediately realize that you are self-sabotaging the goals you set for yourself from the minute that you make them. This process can open your eyes to just how much this inner dialogue has long been interfering with your everyday life. You'll feel confident that you're able to now set goals and surpass them.

Through positive self-talk you'll be able to easily set long and short-term goals for yourself. And whenever you use affirmations, you'll have accessible methods to assist you to propel yourself even further than ever before. Understanding how to hush doubts with positive thoughts is a great move toward setting up and accomplishing long term goals in no time.
