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Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Paper of Leadership

Power can be described as the capacity of bringing about the intended consequences in other people’s behaviors especially in an organization set up. Power and leadership are quite separate though they may be related in one way or the other. In most cases people with leadership ability normally know how to use power and they also know that they have the power. Formal power is also called the power of position. These people are not necessarily leaders. On the other hand, informal power is found in people who can make a difference in other people’s lives but they are not necessarily leaders. It comes about as cumulative effect of caring and also having the concern for others. This paper is dealing with the impact of power as well as the impact of informal power in an organization. Also included are leadership styles and the challenges a leader faces in today’s healthcare system. Leadership styles are included and the challenges that are faced by a leader in the healthcare system. (Kotter, 2000)
Power has impact on the workforce in a healthcare system. The impact of power in a hospital is that it makes employees or the staff in a hospital to be responsible and also carry out their duties effectively. This is because they know that they are accountable to someone. The impact of power in a hospital is that the staff comes to work early enough and even the nurses attend to patients without delay. The employees automatically carry out their responsibilities effectively and efficiently because they know that because of the power that is in an organization can sack them if they do not carry out their responsibilities well. For this reason, power makes employees to bring success and also quality services in a hospital. This depends on how the power is used. When it is misused it can lead to demoralized employees. (Kotter, 2000)
 Informal power in a hospital makes employees to feel valued. Informal power also motivates other employees in hospitals. It makes employees to appreciate each other and also to value teamwork. Employees tend to be friendly to each other and also patients that visit the hospital. Leadership is all about influencing other people in the organization to accomplish a task. It involves directing an organization in that it becomes more coherent and cohesive. (Maund, 2001)
 Leadership style can therefore be defined as approach for providing direction. It includes motivation. There are various leadership styles that exist in management. They include authoritarian or autocratic, participative or democratic, delegative or free reign leadership. Each leadership style has advantages and disadvantages. This means that all leadership styles can have negative and positive impacts in a hospital set up.
In authoritarian   type of leadership, the leader simply tells employees how he or she wants the work done and what he wants employees to do without getting their views. This type of leadership is effective when the leader has all the information that is important or necessary to solve the problem.
Participative leadership involves other people on the decision making process. The leader in this case can include one of the employees when making decisions for the organization. This involves making decisions concerning what should be done and how the tasks should be done in the organization. This does not mean that the employees make the final decision. It means that the leader considers the contributions of the employees but comes up with a final decision. (Maund, 2001)
This is also another leadership style that is always used by managers and leaders in organizations. This involves allowing employees to make the decisions at the work place. Decisions that are normally made are usually very diverse. They could include arrival time at the work place etc. This method is highly used when employees are in a position to analyze the situation at hand.
A leader in today’s healthcare system faces very many challenges. One of them includes the challenge of motivating employees. This is because hospitals like other institutions employ people with diverse personalities. One thing that may motivate one employee is not what motivates the other. Another aspect or challenge that a leader in healthcare system faces is to motivate workers without money. This is because sometimes hospitals just treat patients on human basis and some of them are not in a position to pay. The workers can feel that they are not being paid what they deserve yet this profession calls for much sacrifice. (Newstrom, 1997)
Power in any organization is important. The way it is used can have either positive or negative impacts on the staff and the organization in general. One positive impact of power in a hospital set up is that the staffs become more responsible and are accountable for every action that they do in the hospital. They tend to arrive at work on time. The negative impact is that they can become demoralized if power is not well used. Informal power enhances unity among employees and makes them feel valued in the organization or hospital for that matter. There are three types of leadership; that is autocratic, participative or democratic. All these have their positive and negative impacts on the employees. Leader in healthcare system has the challenge of motivating employees without cash as an incentive because not all patients are always in a position to pay much Healthcare institutions are normally compelled to give services for free on human basis.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

What Is Your Life Worth?

Are you as materially well off as you think you should be? Are you spiritually fulfilled? Do you feel that you have received the full benefits of the time you have spent on this planet? Or do you want more? Do you find yourself looking at your life and wondering, are that all there is? 
The bottom line is that your life is rare and priceless. You’ve only got one shot at life, and you need to make every moment count. Everything you choose to do or experience must be worth your life. If what you do doesn’t make a difference in the world, if it doesn’t excite you or if you are not passionate about it, if you’re not using the skills and abilities you’ve been blessed with, and if you’re not experiencing all that life has to offer—then it’s time to reconsider your choices. 

If your life is exactly what you want it to be, and then I applaud you. If it’s not, I invite you to consider the possibilities of mastering the simplest, most effective tool I have ever come across. It’s a tool that has made me feel like I won the state championship every day. And it’s a tool that has catapulted my life to a level beyond anything I could have ever imagined. 

At this point I’m going ask you for a simple exchange, barter. I’m going to ask you to take a leap of faith. I’m going to ask you to temporarily set aside your way of thinking and open your mind to a view of the world that has created countless millionaires and some of the happiest, most fulfilled people in history. 

And in exchange for opening your mind, just for a moment, I promise to share the most remarkable and enduring secret you will ever hear. 

To discover the true power of the Third Q, you have to make one of the most important decisions of your life and continue the journey into this wonderful thing we call the human mind. And in order to do that, you’re going to have to break out of the box you’ve confined yourself to. 

Along your journey, you must remember the formula used by the world’s most successful people in calculating what their life is worth. Write it down, it’s very important. 

The value of your life = Priceless!

Do you get it?

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Living Environmental-Friendly is not Difficult

It's less complicated than it may appear to live green. Usually a huge impact is the result of small changes. You don't have to think about how to get started - just discover a new use for something you might usually discard. Check if you're recycling frequently, and keeping the garbage you are producing to a minimum. Let us look at a few ways in which you can live more greenly.

Furnaces are costly to run, so make sure yours is working efficiently. House heating is responsible for about 60% of a family's energy utilization. Operating efficiency will be raised by replacing the filter every two months. Since you can repeatedly wash and use them, reusable filters are something to look at. They are durable, and, though they cost more to start with, should save you money in the long run. Proper care of your furnace can be done in several minutes, yet increase the efficiency by at least 50%.

Together with proper care to ascertain efficiency, adjusting the temperature with a programmable thermostat also reduces energy usage. Try not to use unnecessary power during those periods when the occupants are all sleep, or out of the home. This is not so helpful for the environment, and even worse for your wallet. If you have a thermostat that can be set several degrees cooler during the night in the wintertime or warmer in the summer, and also when the house is unoccupied, you will waste a lot less energy. You can program the thermostat to the temperature you would like when you get home or when you get up the next morning.

Water heating systems likewise waste electricity, but wrapping yours in a fiberglass blanket will help. You can drop by your local hardware store for the blanket, which will help keep the heat where it needs to be, in the tank of the heater. This is something you can do yourself, with great ease, and the electricity you save will recover the cost of the blanket within the first year. Opt for one of the modern tankless hot-water systems when next the time comes to replace your heater. Rather than having a whole tank full of water heated all the time, they only heat the water as it is called for. This way the earth is helped as significantly less energy is needed, and your added bonus is the savings on your hot water bill.

Living green doesn't require an all or nothing approach, and some or even all of the above hints may seem an imposition to you. Start with what you can or want to do, but do it right away. Imagine the benefit for your community, if each person adopted just one of these changes. Why don't you set the example for other individuals to follow, by taking the initiative and doing something? Kindly pass these tips on to others if you think them useful.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Adventure Is Not Courage

A modified motorcycle rushed through the streets with strong power. Suddenly, a car turned over, and the motorcycle cannot control its speed. An accident happened. The person who rides the motorcycle flied and then fell down on the car. Ten minutes later, ambulance arrived. When they prepared to put him on the stretcher, he refused. Because his motorbike was forbidden to drive on the road at all, he had to pay the money to people of car. It sounds pretty miserable, but thinks it over: he knew that motorbike could not drive on the road; he could understand that he needed to undertake the problems; he knew it was easy to have an accident. But he still had driven out, and just wanted to enjoy the short time.

In the life, you may pay attention to many people who always try to feel out the underline of thing which was not allowed. Until the problem appeared, we knew that needed to forbid at first. The young man who caused the accident; a boy who got into trouble; an adult who liked to take a risk, all of these people have the treasonous mind. So they hate to keep the rules. In their eyes, the rules and discipline are the line to truss people and make people have no personality.

When they meet a thing, they will try to find out the limitation of it, and then to decide which style they will choose to deal with. At the process of trying, when they touch the underline and accept the necessary punishment, they will never touch it any more in a long time. Sometimes, you want to return back, but you find that there is no way to walk.

We always despise that people when keep the discipline and we think that actions of them are timid. You would rather to lose something than to under the arms of parents. You would rather to be an adventure man than to be a frank man. Actually, the adventure is not the courage. When you take a risk, you will find you have no confidence to finish it. You have not found the power to support your belief. You will if only you know that what you want; who you are and how to do, you can really have capability to survive in this society.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to manage one’s anger?

You will find it very irrational when you will listen about managing anger. But it is not something to be amazed, as it is true and requires the long course of time and proper consulting to get it managed. The anger is a sudden outburst of emotions languishing due to long stored tensions arising out of work or family.
It is not always easy for humans to remain calm throughout their life. The anger forms the part of human emotion but the most feared and unanticipated of all the forms of human emotions. It is always easy to play with others emotions but when it comes to us it is not always the same. The same is the way of dealing with the moods of people which change with the mental state from time to time and has no parameters to judge the same.
The anger has various ways of occurring in different people. It may be sudden for some and occasional for some. Some men are prone to anger at the very onset of discussion of issue or issues and hence need special attention for dealing with the issue by managing their sudden leash of anger which can even sometimes prove to be harmful.
The anger has never been appreciated as it acts as an uncontrollable emotion sometimes and result some irreparable damages. It is the state where the mind becomes sedated with the reason leading to the anger and makes it impossible to think piously. The aftermaths of such outcome of anger result in none other than remorse which again sometimes becomes the reason of anger which lasts for lifetime.
So it is advisable to person having issues related to constant anger to consult psychologists and seek help in anger management. It is not always easy and designed step for the diagnosis for managing anger instead; it needs different way of treatment for different persons depending on their behavioral history and type of anger.
The Anger Management is much needed in the developing countries as the stress level are high among working class of such places. The people in metros find it hard to have spare time for their leisure and sports to relieve from some mental pressure. The constant building of stress finds it way out by the venting of anger on some petty issue sometimes and basically the family or the staff finds itself on the receiving end.
The Anger Management Melbourne is thus a place where people who are finding it difficult to cope with the anger issues are invited to seek consultation. Melbourne being a big city has enough things to stress you out but still the, the psychologists here have the potential of managing anger by dealing in a friendly way with the patients. The proper understanding of the issues forms the key of success to anger management Melbourne psychologists and makes them the best to have the mental peace.

Ten Tips for Beating Stress

Few things aggravate illnesses and damage the body more than long-term stress. The accumulative effects of weeks, months, years or decades of stressful experiences take an enormous toll on your body. We all know this, yet in our mostly fast-paced society, stress continues to wreak havoc. It is a part of Western society.

Stress is damaging because it changes every system in your body — the heart, blood vessels, lungs, digestion, brain, sensory organs and immune system. They change because your body is confronting the stress and defending itself. However, when stress continually presents itself, it starts to have more major effects on those bodily functions.

With that in mind, all of us need to actively beat stress. Here are some great tips for stress-busting ideas to possibly incorporate into your life.1

Top-10 Stress-Busters

  1. Don’t add undo pressure to yourself; avoid unrealistic goals that cause stress if you can’t meet them.
  2. Focus on breathing; take 20 minutes to lie on your back and inhale slowly while raising your arms to the ceiling; then, exhale while smoothly returning your arms to the side; also, try deep breathing in any position, inhaling through the nose and feeling the oxygen enter your body.
  3. Experience what you want in life; cut stress by working on your favorite hobby, playing sports, gardening, doing volunteer work, taking a vacation or simply getting out into nature; this also helps curb any anger contributing to stress.
  4. Get simple: a walk can clear the mind and reduce tension; stretching your muscles and focusing on them at the same time do the same thing.
  5. Try “aromatherapy,” the alternative medicine using fragrant oils of plants; these “essential oils” help relieve different stresses when you breathe in the soothing, calming vapors.
  6. Give yoga or Pilates a go, whose classes come in all shapes and sizes; they are powerful stress-busters for millions of people; yoga blends meditation, physical postures and breathing exercises; Pilates is similar, focusing on the muscles that keep you balanced, as well as breathing techniques.
  7. Engage in relaxation therapy, the most famous of which is meditation; they are all designed to eliminate stress, and all involve getting yourself in a relaxed, comfortable position and either focusing on your breathing, chanting or visualizing yourself somewhere.
  8. Stay rested by doing as much as you can to ensure a good night’s sleep.
  9. Periodically, get a massage; deep, circular massages slow down the heart and relax the body — that’s Swedish massage, the standard one; shiatsu applies direct pressure to body parts, and “reflexology” aims at acupuncture points in the hands and feet.
  10. Try a few cups of Valerian tea a day, a herb that is proven to quell anxiety and insomnia; chamomile, passion flower and lemon balm are all known to exert a soothing effect; taking ginseng is known to improve the body’s reaction against any type of stress.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Volunteering Suggestions for Community Service

Volunteering Suggestions for Community Service

Volunteering is finding on all around the world as thousands and thousands of people select to donate a few of his or her time and also expertise to community service tasks. Helping out will be an excellent approach for anyone to give something back to their own community while obtaining the possibility to meet new people, learn useful abilities as well as make a beneficial contribution to modern society. The idea can be also a great opportunity for men and women to improve his or she continues.

In the two building as well as produced countries, the need for volunteers in a selection of areas me fantastic. 2011 can be the European Calendar year of Helping out, which acts to emphasize the contributions of agencies around the continent that are working to deliver more exposure to the important work in which volunteers do on a day after day and also motivate more men and women to get included. Anyone who has never ever volunteered may believe it really is also impractical for their particular occupied daily activities, but there are many choices to volunteer which in turn do not require a huge time commitment.

For example, an effective way to get more out there of your current volunteer knowledge about less time dedication can be to blend your objectives acquire the best for volunteer possibilities. Preferably, you ought to look for volunteer chances which will benefit other areas of your life in a range of means. For occasion, somebody who has an aim of reducing your weight bay be able to find an active volunteer opportunity that provides these people the possibility to get more physical exercise. A very good example would end up being helping out to clean up a recreation area or even work using children.

Those who find themselves serious in improving their own cooking expertise by find a way to find a volunteer opportunity at a neighborhood food standard bank exactly where that they can also learn to cook. An additional key to successful helping out is to steer clear of above carrying out when you have a schedule.

Occasionally, community service suggestions tend to be easy to find. Perhaps there exists a playground in your location which is in a condition of clear disrepair. Shattered products, garbage, and other obvious signs of neglect are an excellent opportunity for volunteers to organize and also spruce it up.

Easy work such as planting trees, clearing rubbish and trying to recycle that, as well as planting a backyard to reveal the produce along with these in the community are all great ways to get required in making your current community more gorgeous and also motivating other people to do the same. These types of type of assignments can end up being structured in your area and don't require that you simply undergo a large not for profit or another firm.
